Tourveranstalter: Keen Fly 20 Minuten Reisemethode:   Fliegen Region / Startet in/von: Florida - Tallahassee/Jacksonville/Miami Category: Touren und Aktivitäten

20-25-minütiger Hubschrauberrundflug


20-25-minütige Touren
- 225$ pro Passagier
- Minimum: 2 Personen/Max: 3 Personen (pro Tour)


  • Diese Reise startet am Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport (FXE) und führt durch Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades und Pompano Beach, bevor sie nach FXE zurückkehrt.

Mehr Infos

  • Das Mindestalter für jeden Passagier beträgt 4 Jahre.
  • Das Höchstgewicht pro Passagier beträgt 285 Pfund.
  • Alle Passagiere müssen mindestens 1 Stunde vor dem Hubschrauberflug eine Online-Verzichtserklärung per E-Mail einreichen. Wenn es nicht rechtzeitig eingeht, wird die Tour storniert, es erfolgt keine Rückerstattung. Ebenso wie das Kreditkartenautorisierungsformular muss es 1 Stunde vor Tourbeginn vom Karteninhaber eingereicht werden, der die Karte und den passenden Ausweis zur Tour vorlegen muss
  • . Die
  • Abholung und Rückgabe des Autos ist vor Ort gegen Aufpreis möglich. Sie können Ihre Anfrage zur Abholung und Ihre Abholadresse in Ihrer Buchung vermerken. Wir werden uns dann mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen, um die Abholdetails zu bestätigen.

Was ist mitzubringen

  • Gültiger Lichtbildausweis
  • Hinterlegte Kreditkarte (die mit dem Lichtbildausweis übereinstimmen muss)

NICHT mitbringen

  • Selfie-Stäbchen
  • Essen
  • Getränke
  • Vapes
  • Zigaretten
  • Drogen
  • Waffen
  • Hüte oder Mützen

Keine versteckten Kosten
- All passengers are required to reconfirm their tour with our reservations center at least 24 hours in advance at +1 (786) 523- 6127. Our specialists are available daily from 10:00am to 7:00pm (Eastern Time). Reservations not reconfirmed are subject to rescheduling or cancellation.

- All passengers must submit online waiver sent by email, at least 1 hour before the helicopter tour time. If it’s not received on time, the tour will be cancelled, no refunds. As well, as the credit card authorization form, it must be submitted 1 hour before tour time, by the card owner which needs to bring the card and matching ID to the tour.

- All passengers must arrive 10 minutes before tour time. If late, we will deduct delayed time from tour. It will be considered as a no-show if customers have not arrived after 10 minutes of scheduled tour time, without no refunds.

- Tour time can be delayed due to many different factors, if this is the case, customers will be aware.

- Passengers have up to 48 hours prior to their tour departure time to rescheduled without penalty, subject to availability. Any rescheduling request within 48 hours of the scheduled tour, will have a $50 rescheduling fee per passenger.

- Cancellations requests and no-shows will be charged in full and are non-refundable.

- Keen Fly reserves the right to reschedule due to bad weather conditions, maintenance, FAA mandatory inspections and/or a TFR (Temporary Flight Restriction).

- The maximum weight is 285 lbs per passenger.

- FAA requires each passenger to present a government issued photo identification card in order to board an aircraft, such as a driver’s license or passport.

- All fares are already discounted and, unless otherwise noted, may not be combined with any other offer (e.g. Coupons, Saver Programs, etc.)

Keen Fly is not responsible for changes in currency valuation. Keen Fly is acting as an agent for suppliers of various travel goods and services including but not limited to ground transportation, hotel accommodations, airplane flights, meals, tours, cruises, and/or shows. Keen Fly attempts to represent only suppliers that have shown an acceptable level of stability, dependability, and responsiveness to problems and complaints; nevertheless, Keen Fly cannot and does not control the actions or inactions of the suppliers it represents. Therefore, Keen Fly shall not be responsible for any breach of contract, failure to comply with any laws including but not limited to the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), or any intentional or negligent actions or omissions on the part of such suppliers resulting in any loss, property damage, delay, inconvenience, or personal injury to travelers, travelers’ companions, or group members, including but not limited to any losses resulting from changes in suppliers’ rates, losses in connection with bookings, reservations, connections, or scheduling problems, or losses arising out of the handling or loss of baggage or other personal effects. Keen Fly shall not be responsible for any injuries, damages, or losses caused to any traveler in connection with terrorist activities, social or labor unrest, mechanical or construction failures or deficiencies, diseases, local laws, climatic conditions, abnormal conditions or developments, or any other actions, omissions, or conditions outside Keen Fly’s control.

ASSUMPTION OF RISK: By embarking upon his/her travel, the traveler voluntarily and expressly assumes all risks associated with such travel, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable. Keen Fly and the suppliers of ground transportation, hotel accommodations, airplane flights, meals, tours, cruises, and various other goods and services reserve the right to change the accommodations, flights, and any and all details of the tour itinerary as needed. The travelers’ booking of reservations or utilization of tickets after receipt of this information will constitute consent to the above and an agreement on his/her part to provide copies hereof to his/her companions or group members together with an explanation that if they embark, they do so subject to these Terms & Conditions. companions or group members together with an explanation that if they embark, they do so subject to these Terms & Conditions.

Federal law prohibits hazardous materials from being transported on aircraft. Items such as explosives, ammunition, compressed gases, aerosols, flammable liquids and solids, oxidizers organic peroxides, toxic and infectious materials, radioactive materials, corrosives, poisons, wet and lithium batteries, e-cigarettes, dry-ice and many other articles are considered hazardous.

Personal items such as deodorant, hairspray, nail polish, perfume and certain medicines although considered hazardous are permitted in baggage in limited quantities. For a complete list of permitted hazardous materials and the limits and restrictions for each, visit the FAA’s Pack Safe page at

Keen Fly will operate any helicopter and/or airplane flight(s) you have booked. Keen Fly is FAA certified tour operator.

Keen Fly reserves the right to reschedule any service in which a typographical error on the website caused erroneous display of either pricing or availability during the ordering process or after order confirmation.

  • Kostenlose Parkplätze stehen direkt vor unserem Gebäude zur Verfügung.

MAP.pdf anzeigen

1805 NW 51. Platz, Hangar 2., Fort Lauderdale, 33309, FL
wichtige Information
Was ist mitzubringen

  • Gültiger Lichtbildausweis

  • Karte, die mit dem Buchungsnamen und der bei der Buchung hinterlegten Karte übereinstimmt

NICHT mitbringen

  • Selfie-Stäbchen

  • Essen

  • Getränke

  • Vapes

  • Zigaretten

  • Drogen

  • Waffen

  • Hüte oder Mützen