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Best price guarantee
Tour Operator: Hornstrandaferdir 1h 30m Travel method:   Boat Region / Starts from: Westfjords Category: Tours and Activities

Bátsferð: Bolungarvík - Fljótavík

In Fljotavik there is no dock and therefore we need to use light boat to go to the shore. Before leaving, it is advisable to request a life jacket, however it is optional. The boat is easy to board, but the passenger boat's stern has a platform that crosses the boat. It is important to hold in the hands of a crew member standing on the passenger compartment when boarding the light boat. It is okay to step on the boat's bellows. Keep seated and hold the safety lines. Keep seated until the crew member asks one by one to stand up and leave the boat. It is important that only one gets up at a time, if more than one do, the boat can be slipped aside and the passenger will fall overboard. When luggage is carried to the beach, everyone helps to carry the luggage, no matter who’s luggage it is. The luggage is then sorted when it arrives on land and each person takes their equipment.

Welcome to Fljotavik

Fljótavík er vík á ströndum sem staðsett er á milli Hælavíkur og Rekavíkur Bak Látur. 


Snorri Grímsson hefur langa reynslu af fararstjórn og hefur ritað mikið af ferðalýsingum. Meðal þeirra eru tvær sem tengjast Fljótavík alveg sérstaklega:

1) Búðir að Atlastöðum í Fljóti
2) Atlastaðir að Látrum í Aðalvík

Heimasíða Fljótavíkur   

Best price guarantee
No hidden costs
Free cancellation until 365 days before the departure
Cancellation fees:
+365 days - No charge
365 days-7 days - 25% of total reservation value
7 days-2 days - 50% of total reservation value
<2 days - 100% of total reservation value
What is included

Sigling með farþegabátnum Hesteyri ÍS 95, frá Bolungarvík í Hrafnfjörð

Meeting point
  • Lækjarbryggja Bolungarvík, Árbæjarkantur, Bolungarvík, 415
Important information

Hlý og viðeigandi föt í samræmi við veður

  • Lágmarksfjöldi í þessa ferð: 4 farþegar